Carian mengenai topik must ensure

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai must ensure dari Astro Awani

AWANI Tonight: Ensuring quality education is accessible to all

AWANI Tonight: Ensuring quality education is accessible to all

The government must ensure quality pre-school education is accessible to all children in the country before making it mandatory, says Dr Lydia Foong from Taylor’s University.
Wed Apr 17 2024
Of black swans and gray rhinos

Of black swans and gray rhinos

Organizations must ensure that they have a framework in place to clear out of the way of gray rhinos when they charge.
Thu May 25 2023
NUTP urges MOE to ensure digital applications ease teachers' burden, not add pressure

NUTP urges MOE to ensure digital applications ease teachers' burden, not add pressure

NUTP has urged MoE to ensure that the digital infrastructure under the ministry helps to ease the teachers' tasks instead of putting more pressure on them.
Sun Feb 19 2023
BN must ensure 90 pct of loyal voters come out to vote tomorrow - Mohamad

BN must ensure 90 pct of loyal voters come out to vote tomorrow - Mohamad

The BN party machinery has to ensure that at least 90 pct of the coalition's loyal voters come out to vote on polling day tomorrow, said BN deputy chairman Mohamad Hasan.
Fri Nov 18 2022
GE15: BN election machinery must ensure all voters cast their ballots

GE15: BN election machinery must ensure all voters cast their ballots

Mohamad Hasan wants BN machinery to ensure all registered electors come out and cast their ballots in the GE15 on Nov 19.
Mon Nov 14 2022
Dept heads must ensure only Malay language used in every official function

Dept heads must ensure only Malay language used in every official function

Heads of departments must ensure that every official function organised by their respective department is conducted entirely in Malay.
Thu Aug 11 2022
AirAsia must ensure welfare of passengers not affected during Wesak, Gawai holidays - Nanta

AirAsia must ensure welfare of passengers not affected during Wesak, Gawai holidays - Nanta

KPDNHEP wants the welfare of AirAsia passengers to no longer be affected ahead of several public holidays such as Wesak Day this Sunday and Gawai Festival next month.
Wed May 11 2022
Filming protocol supervisors must ensure artistes, film crew comply with SOP - FINAS

Filming protocol supervisors must ensure artistes, film crew comply with SOP - FINAS

The FINAS enforcement unit has taken proactive measures to monitor filming activities under the SPP at filming locations.
Tue Oct 12 2021
Interstate travel: Public transport operators must ensure passengers fully vaccinated

Interstate travel: Public transport operators must ensure passengers fully vaccinated

All public transport operators in land, air and maritime sectors are required to ensure their passengers are fully vaccinated as required in the SOP for interstate travel.
Mon Oct 11 2021
MOE must ensure all parties understand National Language Policy - Radzi

MOE must ensure all parties understand National Language Policy - Radzi

Dr Radzi said the MOE has an important role in ensuring that the Malay language is upheld as the national language.
Tue Oct 05 2021
COVID-19 crisis has led to food crisis, says Italy's Draghi

COVID-19 crisis has led to food crisis, says Italy's Draghi

The world must ensure access to food supplies as forcefully as it moved to ensure access to vaccines.
Tue Jul 27 2021
Muslim world must ensure worldview of Islam continues to be properly studied - PM

Muslim world must ensure worldview of Islam continues to be properly studied - PM

It is for this reason the government had adopted the Manhaj Rabbani - the Divine Path or Approach - which is now an overarching government policy framework for Islamic affairs in Malaysia.
Tue Jun 08 2021
Felda's takeover of FGV should be implemented in settlers' best interest - Senate Caucus

Felda's takeover of FGV should be implemented in settlers' best interest - Senate Caucus

The takeover, among others, must ensure that the profits would be shared with those involved through reasonable terms and not just fulfilling the personal agenda of any quarters.
Mon Feb 08 2021
Passengers must have approval to cross districts, state borders - Wee

Passengers must have approval to cross districts, state borders - Wee

Taxis, rented cars and e-hailing services must ensure that their passengers have the necessary approval before crossing districts or state borders.
Thu Jan 21 2021
Malaysian Bar wants setting up of independent body to probe deaths in custody

Malaysian Bar wants setting up of independent body to probe deaths in custody

Detention authorities must ensure that medical treatment is available for all suspects especially those with health risks and pre-existing conditions.
Wed Dec 23 2020
Softbank bangunkan AI yang kurangkan kemarahan pemanggil talian khidmat pelanggan

Softbank bangunkan AI yang kurangkan kemarahan pemanggil talian khidmat pelanggan

Ketika melayan pemanggil, pekerja boleh mengaktifkan AI ini jika merasakan mereka tidak lagi tahan dengan tona suara yang tinggi atau menjerit.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Krisis kemanusiaan Gaza paksa rakyat minum air kumbahan

Krisis kemanusiaan Gaza paksa rakyat minum air kumbahan

Pengarah Wilayah Mediterranean Timur WHO berkata krisisi kemanusiaan yang berlarutan di Palestin telah memaksa penduduk minum air kumbahan dan boleh memberi risiko kesihatan terus kepada kanak-kanak.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Penjenayah seks kanak-kanak boleh dihukum kembiri

Penjenayah seks kanak-kanak boleh dihukum kembiri

Louisiana meluluskan undang-undang yang membolehkan penjenayah seks terhadap kanak-kanak dihukum kembiri atau kemaluan dibuang secara pembedahan.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Anwar ucap tahniah kepada Narendra Modi

Anwar ucap tahniah kepada Narendra Modi

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menzahirkan keterujuaan untuk terus bekerjasama bagi mengeratkan hubungan persahabatan Malaysia-India.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Malaysia Madani: Jiwa Merdeka, tema sambutan Hari Kebangsaan 2024

Malaysia Madani: Jiwa Merdeka, tema sambutan Hari Kebangsaan 2024

Kerajaan Perpaduan hari ini mengumumkan tema ‘Malaysia Madani: Jiwa Merdeka' bagi sambutan Hari Kebangsaan untuk edisi tahun ini. Menteri Komunikasi merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Induk Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan dan Hari Malaysia 2024, Fahmi Fadzil berkata, tema tersebut dipilih bagi menzahirkan kebebasan rakyat Malaysia daripada sebarang elemen negatif.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Tindakan JKDM adalah selaras dengan dasar kerajaan

Tindakan JKDM adalah selaras dengan dasar kerajaan

Pada masa sama, fahmi berkata tindakan Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia Perlis yang mengekang kemasukan motolori dari negara jiran yang membawa kontena berlogo syarikat berpangkalan di Israel daripada memasuki Malaysia, adalah selaras dengan dasar kerajaan.
Wed Jun 05 2024
Malaysia tidak iktiraf tindakan bersifat unilateral

Malaysia tidak iktiraf tindakan bersifat unilateral

Malaysia tidak mengiktiraf sebarang tindakan sekatan yang bersifat unilateral yang tidak menggunapakai mekanisma digariskan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB)
Wed Jun 05 2024
[TERKINI] Peluncuran Modul Latihan Kenegaraan Malaysia Madani

[TERKINI] Peluncuran Modul Latihan Kenegaraan Malaysia Madani

Ikuti majlis peluncuran Modul Latihan Kenegaraan Malaysia Madani Anjuran Akademi Kenegaraan Malaysia disempurnakan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Wed Jun 05 2024
[TERKINI] Tiga agensi bongkar sindiket lari cukai terbesar di Pelabuhan Klang

[TERKINI] Tiga agensi bongkar sindiket lari cukai terbesar di Pelabuhan Klang

Gabungan pasukan risikan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia dan Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) telah membongkar kegiatan sindiket penyeludupan terbesar di Pelabuhan Klang melibatkan hasil ketirisan cukai RM3.5 bilion.

Wed Jun 05 2024
PM Anwar ucap tahniah kepada Modi menang pilihan raya India

PM Anwar ucap tahniah kepada Modi menang pilihan raya India

Anwar memuji kejayaan pelaksanaan demokrasi di India itu, yang mencatatkan lebih 642 juta pengundi sejak 19 April lepas.
Wed Jun 05 2024